Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012


Section One


Activity 1: Discussing expressions

Talk about the picture.
Who is in the picture?
What are in the picture?
What is going on?
Where are they?
When do you use the expressions?
Now listen to your teacher.
Practice how to say the expressions.
· clip_image005
Where’s the book?
· It’s on the table.
· The bag is right here.
· There’s pencil in my pencil case.
· The pencil case is over there.
· I got it yesterday.
· clip_image007
I use it everyday.
· I use it carefully.
· The man runs fast.
· The caterpillar crawls slowly.

Activity 2: Discussing Where, When, and How
clip_image008 To tell where something is, you use a preposition.
So, a preposition goes with a noun.
Look at the examples below.

On the wall In the classroom Next to the TV
Under the table Over there Beside the sofa
On the tree At home Behind the table
To tell when things happen, you use time.
A preposition goes with time too.
One preposition goes with certain time expression.
We cannot change it.
For example, we can say “in the morning”, but not “at the morning”.

In the morning
At noon In Italy In Egypt
In the afternoon
In the evening
At night
In May
On the 1st of May
In 2004
At one o’clock
In France In California

To tell how things go, we use adverbs.
Adverbs tell you how an activity is done.
You can ask, for example, “How does he walk?”
The answer is “He walks fast”.
“Fast” is the manner, or they way he walks.


Activity 3: Indicating places
Talk about the picture.
Say where things are.
Now, look around.
Look at the blackboard, books, pencils, and so on.
Tell your friends where they are.

Activity 4: Discussing the Patterns


Verb Be

Adverb (Place / Time)
The book is on the table.
The lesson is in the morning.



Adverb (Manner)
The man runs fast.
The caterpillar crawls slowly.


Verb (action)


Adverb (Place/Time)
I use it everyday.
I use it at school.



a / an


There is a book on the table.
There is an umbrella over there.
There are --- ten books on the shelf.
Look at the picture.
Tell your friend where the people are.
Tell your friend where things are.

Activity 5: Telling time
Ask the following questions
What time is it, please?
What’s the time, please?
Tell the time.
It’s seven o’clock.
It’s ten o’clock.
It’s half past four.
Section Two

Read the texts carefully.
Tell your friend where they usually happen.
Perform dialogs based on the texts.
1. Teacher : Where’s the the chalk?
Ella : It’s over here.
[Bringing the chalk]
Ella : Here you are.
clip_image034 Teacher : Thanks.
2. Dono : Let’s cut this fish.
Hendro : Do it carefully, please.
Dono : I will.
3. Budi : May I borrow this for a week?
Ratih : Sorry. I use it everyday.
Budi : Oh, okay. Never mind.
clip_image0384. Galuh : I am hungry.
Buyung : There’s a canteen over there!
Galuh : Thanks. Has it got curry?
Buyung : I think so.
5. Fajar : Mum, where’s my hat?
Mrs. Jati : It’s in your bag.
Fajar : And where’s my bag?
Mrs. Jati : I think it’s near your desk.
Fajar : It’s not here, mum.
Mrs. Jati : Try your book shelf.
Section Three

Role Play
1. You need your rubber, but it is not there. You ask your friend.
     S/he tells you where it is.
2. You move to a new classroom.
    You ask your friends to put things in the right place.
    What would you say?
3. You have a new friend at school.
    You want to show him/her around the school.
    What would you say?
Where is the picture?
Section Four

Activity 1: Dictation
Listen to your teacher carefully. Write down what you hear.
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………………

Activity 2: Write the time.
It’s ………………………………………………………………………

Time to ……………………………………………………………….

It’s …………………………………………………………………………..

Time to …………………………………………………………………….


It’s …………………………………………………………………………..
Time to ……………………………………………………………………….
Activity 3: School activities

Answer these questions.
What time does the school start?
What time is morning tea?
What time is lunch?
What time does the school end?

Section Five

1. Tell your friend where things are.
2. Tell your friend what time it is.
3. Write where the people are.
What do people enjoy doing?
Climbing trees and picking fruit Playing chess
Playing with toy train Relaxing and listening to music.
Can you find these in your city?

Teks Fungsional Pendek

1.      Teks Fungsional Pendek
Functional Text adalah teks khusus yang berisi perintah, pengarahan, sesuatu yang harus dilakukan atau tidak boleh dilakukan yang dapat berupa larangan (prohibition), undangan (invitation),  pesan singkat (short message), daftar belanja (shopping list), peringatan (notice), pengumuman (announcement), dan lain-lain  yang mengandung makna dan digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.
a.      Instruksi (Instruction)
Instruksi merupakan suatu perintah atau arahan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
·         Close the door, please!
·         Keep your room clean!
·         Staff only
·         Read the test rules!
·         How to boil eggs:
1.      Prepare a pan and some eggs
2.      Put some water in the pan
3.      Put some eggs in the pan                       
4.      Turn on the stove
5.      Put the pan on it
6.      Wait until the water is boiled
7.      Wait for 4 minutes
8.      The boiled eggs are ready
b.      Daftar Barang (Shopping List)
Kalimat yang berisikan tentang daftar barang yang akan dibeli. Contoh:
Day : Monday
Date : July 22, 2007
4 loaves of bread
3 kilos of beans
1 kilo of apples
2 kilos of sugar
1 kilo of carrots
1 kilo of oranges
1 can of soft drink
c.       Kartu Ucapan (Greeting Card)
Kartu ucapan yang diberikan untuk menunjukan ekspresi dan kepedulian seseorang terhadap hal-hal yang terjadi dalam hidup seseorang. Contohnya untuk mengekspresikan perasaan bahagia, sedih, bangga dan lain-lain.
Well done Mike!
Congritulation on winning the second place of basketball competition. Your team is really the best one in our school. Keep practicing and get the 1st winner on the next session.
School Board
Wendy Baker
d.      Pengumuman (Announcement)
Pengumuman merupakan pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan kepada orang banyak/ khalayak masyarakat. Biasanya, pengumuman hanya menyampaikan pesan atau informasi yang menyangkut khalayak ramai (Pardjimin, 2005: 47). Misalnya pengumuman di majalah dinding sekolah, pengumuman di Surat Kabar atau majalah. 
                     Contoh pengumuman :
Our school basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from 8.00 – 10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 7. For more information, contact Rizka (021 12345678)
e.       Pesan singkat (Short Message)
Pesan singkat adalah pesan yang disampaikan secara singkat dengan mengutamakan hal-hal pokok saja. Dalam pesan singkat hanya hal-hal yang penting saja yang disampaikan. Langsung kepada permasalahan berbeda dengan surat harus ada pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup..
Macam-macam pesan singkat yaitu:
(1)   memo
Memo atau memorandum adalah pesan singkat yang disampaikan secara tertulis oleh seseorang untuk orang lain yang sedang tidak berada di tempat.
(2)   Short Message Service (SMS)
(3)   Telegram
Short Message Service (SMS) adalah pesan singkat yang disampaikan melalui perangkat telepon selular. Sedangkan telegram adalah pesan singkat yang dikirimkan melalui alat yang dinamakan telegraf. Sekarang telegram sudah hampir tidak digunakan lagi.
f.       Undangan (Invitation)
Surat yang bertujuan mengundang seseorang agar datang di acara yang diselenggarakan.
Bagian-bagian surat undangan adalah:
1)      Nama/ kepada orang yang diundang (alamat)
2)      Kalimat sapaan
3)      Isi surat undangan
4)      Penutup (nama pengirim)
Contoh :
Dear Friends,
We request the pleasure of you in the candle light party
for the 10th anniversary of our marriage at garden Resto
on February 20, 2009 at 19.00
Dress code: Casual Red
g.      Peringatan (Notice)
Sign (rambu-rambu/tanda) dan Notice (peringatan) adalah contoh dari short functional text. Di antara sign dan notice itu ada yang berbentuk kalimat larangan. kalimat yang berfungsi untuk melarang orang melakukan sesuatu. Contoh kalimatnya seperti di bawah ini:
·         Don't fight! (jangan bertengkar)
·         Don't argue! (jangan berdebat)
·         Don't tell me to go! (jangan suruh aku pergi)
·         Don't give up on me! (jangan menyerah padaku)
·         Don't come late (jangan terlambat)
Kalimat di atas termasuk kalimat larangan (Prohibition). Kata Don't berarti "Jangan" atau "Dilarang". Formula yang dipakai sangat sederhana yaitu: Don't + Verb1. Dibelakang Verb 1 bisa ditambahi Kata Benda (Noun).
Contoh tanda: 
Namun, pada tingkat SMP kelas VII, penggunaan Teks Fungsional Pendek hanya mempelajari tentang instruksi, daftar barang, kartu ucapan dan pengumuman (instruction, shopping list, greeting card and announcement).